What are Agape’s Camps?

The camps held at Agape provide a space for discussion and constructive exchanges and last from one week to a maximum of ten days. There are three main types of camps: camps for minors, gender camps, and international camps. Each year a camp is centered around a different current theme that is developed through various tools: non-formal education activities, debates, plenary sessions, group discussions, expert speeches, workshops, simulation games, and more.

The camps are also an opportunity to spend time surrounded by the nature of Prali, to meet people coming from different countries and with different backgrounds, to have fun, and to rest. Participating in a camp at Agape means to take a part in community life characterized by sharing common spaces and everyday life, but also personal experiences.



Date Campo
2 August - 5 August Ubuntu Camp - I am because we are
6 August - 11 August International Theological Camp - Peace and Reconciliation
12 August - 17 August International Ultragender Camp - I exist - The Right to Exist: A story of love, hope, and empathy
18 August - 23 August International Oikonomia - (De)colonization

Daily Schedule

  • Wake up

    From 8:00 to 8:30 - Breakfast

  • Morning activities

    Mid-morning break: the bar is open

  • Lunch

    At 12:30 or 13:00 followed by a short break

  • Afternoon activities

    Mid-afternoon break: the bar is open

  • Dinner

    At 19:30 or 20:00 followed by a short break

  • Evening activities

    Evening activities end around 23:00: the bar is open

Camps at Agape always follow the same order of activities with some possible time schedule variations.

The camp activities follow a common thread and analyze the central topic from different point of views. Each activity is not an end in itself, but delivers a message and advances the development of the main theme. There are different types of activities that are adapted to suit the different camp participants: the camps for minors utilize games and activities that convey the themes in a more implicit way, while the adult camps offer debates, lectures or presentations. All camps use non-formal education techniques: even adults are involved in activities such as simulation games or creative workshops that challenge them in different ways.

The evenings foresee more light-hearted activities such as watching films, singing, dancing and get together games. All camps include a hike in the mountains of Prali, which often ends with a bonfire once back at Agape.

The meals take place in a common area. Everyone eats together at tables for ten and shares food. The Resident Group plans the menu each week trying to have seasonal and possibly 0-km products. Meat is limited to once every two days.

Agape often offers a closing moment of the camps that refers to the Christian origins of the Center, which is more spiritual and religious. It is not obligatory to participate, but it is important to keep in mind that this is an integral part of the history and life of Agape.

Each camp ends with a final party to celebrate the moments experienced together, and which is also an opportunity to share the results with the Resident Group and the Workcamp who made the camp possible.


Every camp has a planning committee, the “staff” formed by volunteers who are experts in the topic and/or methods of preparing a camp. The staff group can be made up of a minimum of five members up to a maximum of 12. Every staff must include a member from the Resident Group to guarantee communication and logistical organization with the Center, and to ensure the camp adheres to the spirit of Agape. All those who are interested in joining a staff for the first time are requested to take part in the Training and Education Camp that Agape organizes every year during the winter. Agape tries to offer to all staff groups the tools to enable the best possible camp: attention is given to the type of participants, the themes, teamwork, and internal staff dynamics. The staff groups undergo continuous training thanks to the horizontal relationships between their components who, during the preparation meetings, share their skills and knowledge gained from any previous experience in other staffs. The Staff Council is a group of people available for staff training needs. If you would like to join a staff, click here.


Participants should be interested in the camp theme and be willing to be a part of the community life and work of the Center. It is being part of a community that forms the base for meaningful exchange and encounter. Be aware that participating in a camp at Agape means entering a community dimension, where individuals need to be ready to be challenged, to share, and to accept each other. At the beginning of Agape’s history the Center was mainly frequented by Protestants, soon Catholics and non-believers followed. Today many people from various social and cultural backgrounds and of different spiritualities who differ also in political beliefs as well as in gender and sexual identities attend Agape. Participants should be respectful in accepting and welcoming different ideas and be ready for exchanges and discussions.


Applications for camps are open from these dates:

  • October 15 for the winter camps
  • January 15 for the spring camps
  • March 15 for the summer camps

It is possible to apply:

We will consider only the applications submitted after 9:30 of the day that the call for applications was opened and that include the following:

  • name
  • surname
  • address
  • telephone number
  • date of birth

If Agape receives more applications than the number of available participants for the camp, then random names will be drawn and the remaining applications will be placed on a waiting list.

Previous Camp Material

Every camp produces material that can be published on Agape’s website. Look in this section if you’re interested about finding material on your camp.

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