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Networks and projects

Agape is not only a center that accommodates people and organizes many camps throughout the year - it is also involved in many projects and networks which are developed thanks to the Resident Group, specific working groups and the involvement of Agape in numerous local and international projects.


The Protestant Youth Federation in Italy (FGEI) is made up of young Italians (mainly Baptists, Methodists and Waldensians) who understand their vocation to be bearing witness to their faith in Jesus Christ through their commitment, storytelling of their experiences, joy in coming together, and the will to share their hopes and doubts. FGEI organizes local and international training meetings to reflect upon the current political context and the vocation of the Church, and experiments with different types of worship. FGEI is made up of both young people that have an active role in the Church life and those who for different reasons have distanced themselves from their communities. The Federation aims at being a place to experiment and acquire new forms of democracy and team management.



Oikosnet Europe is a network made up of around 40 Christian academies and secular centers across Europe. The organizations that are part of the network represent reformed Churches, Catholic and Orthodox faiths of 18 European countries. Every year more than 200,000 people with different social backgrounds take part in conferences, meetings and gatherings dealing with a wide range of topics. In recent years Oikosnet Europe has promoted shared projects about religion and democracy, social development, ecumenical training, sustainability, migrations and gender issues.


Radio Agape

The media project was born in the summer of 2017 through the cooperation of Agape and Radio Beckwith Evangelica. The radio program “Radio Agape” is broadcast once a week during summer. It recounts the twelve camps from twelve different perspectives, as shown by the slogan:

“One summer, twelve camps, twelve perspectives. The mountains of Prali, the world and our valleys told by the voices of Agape Ecumenical Center.”

Partner: RBE - Radio Beckwith Evangelica (FM 87.60 Val Germanasca - FM 87.80 Val Pellice - FM 88.00 Val Chisone - FM 96.55 Municipalities of Turin and Cuneo).

Rainbow Media

In the summer of 2017, Agape was enriched by a new international exchange with the arrival of Mzi and Sbosh, two young professionals in the field of promotion and facilitation of community development. Together with the South African non-profit organization Rainbow Media, they promote shared languages and practices through media (art, music, acting, videos, communication, etc.) and new approaches and methods of interactive design. The organization has long been present in Samora Machel, a suburb in the outskirts of Cape Town. It cooperates with the local radio station, a youth organization, groups and individuals to improve their skills through mentorship and co-design workshops.


Schools Project

For 15 years Agape has been hosting classes of different levels, offering educational programs under the guidance of the staff of the Center and guides of the areas around Prali. Schools can either carry out their own programs in Agape and visit historical and naturalistic sites or follow one of the educational programs with the Center. Agape also organizes “welcoming trips” for the students of the first classes of middle schools and high schools. During “welcoming trips” classes are invited to stay in Agape for two days and take part in activities with the staff. Such activities and games are aimed at enhancing the relationships between the students, for them to better know each other and to highlight group dynamics.



“#TEVIP project - Transforming European Values Into Pratice” is a project carried out thanks to the strategic partnership with Erasmus+. It is aimed at developing fundamental educational instruments to understand and apply European values. But what are these values, and what makes them European? It may seem a trivial question, but our everyday lives show that answering this question was much more difficult than expected.
From 2017 to 2020 #TEVIP partners will try to find an answer by developing new and interesting educational instruments and approaches to have a better understanding of the complexity of European values. Rest assured that the partners will present very interesting educational approaches…
Partners: planpolitik DE, agape IT, REDU IT, DARE network, Youth for Europe PL, Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej PL.

TEVIP project is supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program.

Other projects and collaborations:

  • WSCF

  • Agape Blu

  • Mosaico

    Agape cooperates with MOSAICO – Azioni per i Rifugiati, a non-politicized social association that was created in 2007 in Turin by a group of refugees coming from different countries. The association now involves refugees, migrants and Italian members that support it in different ways.

  • CSD: SVE

  • Lunaria