Ultragender childhood and adulthood

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International Ultragender Camp - Ultragender childhood and adulthood

International Ultragender Camp

When: 2019-07-27 - 2019-08-03
Arrivals from 17:00 of the 27 July
Ends at 09:00 of the 03 August

A camp made of camps

A three-in one and do-it-yourself camp about the power and fragility of childhood. An international camp to get to know our gender identities and their visible expressions in the world. A camp to discover best practices and their implementation for inclusion and conflict transformation. A camp where education, imagination, work and service meet, to learn by doing and by imagining together. Over the course of the week, we will embark on a journey to discover tools for appreciating people at school, at work, and in society. We will hear testimonies, we will play and learn through non-formal educational activities. According to the CCL tradition, study sessions and work will be shared among those who keep the centre running, participants who come primarily for the theme and the members of the Resident Group working at the centre throughout the year.

(Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French)

With the 2019 Ultragender work camp camp we aim to deliver a one week opportunity for anyone interested in the intersection of lgbtq- and children rights. Participants from many countries work together and at the same time learn how gender normatives in cultural and societal contexts (such as family, school and educational systems) affect children’s lives.

The working group sets the pedagogical approach for the camp.

The sessions will be divided in to three slots to guide the participants to non-formal learning. The first one covers a rights-based approach to both the LGBTQ-movement and child rights movement. This is a theoretical part of the camp where the participants will be given the theoretical knowledge of child rights, age power structures, norms connected to both gender (identity and expression) and sexuality and age.

The final slot is charecterized by the level of interactivity. In this part, participants will use the existing knowledge from the theoretical activities and the intercultural learning in the discussion-part to define know-how in the topic. This is for instance know-how in transpcompetent parenting for trans- and gender non-conforming children, how to make education more inclusive and how to be an ally to child rights movement in general, and lgbtq-children specifically.



1.1 Children have rights: how age power structures affect children
This workshop will contain valuable knowledge of the socialization of children, child rights and the UN convention on the rights of the child. We will learn more about how age as a power structure limits children and youth from living free from oppression.

1.2 Children are LGBTQ too! – About the LGBTQ movement and -rights with a focus on gender
Children and youth also take part of the LGBTQ-community. This session focus on gender normativity, a brief history of the LGBTQ-rights movement and a short introduction to norm-criticism.

1.3 Self-organized space: Storytelling workshop

In this self-organized space participants have the opportunity to self-organize a session of storytelling. Participants are encouraged to share their stories and lived experiences connected to the theme of the camp. 



2.1 A CIS-GENDER NORMATIVE WORLD: How does it affect children?

Children living in different countries and different contexts witness cis-gender normatitivty in different ways. It shapes all of their lives. This session will invite participants to share the reality on the ground in their local contexts, using structured techniques to invite respectful dialogue. The team will introduce a logic-based methodology to clearly identify realities. Using interactive approaches, we will then explore together the root causes and the consequences of these realities with regard to children in each local reality.



3.1 Love your queer kids. A brief introduction to trans-competent inclusive education.

This session will offer a critical approach to gender variance, and some useful tools for parents and educators to help gender non-conforming kids to navigate their journey to disclosure of gender. A journey which could be ambiguous and uncertain: we know where the journey starts but the destination is impossible to determine.

3.2. ALLY – FACTORY: toolkit for being an grown-up ally

The workshop will aim to develop specific competence for adults that work or that have to deal with trans kids in different institutions or contexts. After the reflection about the consequences of cis-gender normative society we will reflect about the importance of being an ally to trans kids. We will learn the ability to create safe-spaces and inclusive environments. Caregivers can truly make a difference!

Le iscrizioni per questo campo non sono aperte.
Le iscrizioni aprono:

  • 15 settembre: campi autunnali
  • 15 ottobre: campi invernali
  • 15 gennaio: campi primaverili
  • 15 marzo: campi estivi

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