TIDBIT – Holy Comunion? Assembly of Christians or division of Christ?

UfficioLeave a Comment

International Theological Camp - TIDBIT – Holy Comunion? Assembly of Christians or division of Christ?

International Theological Camp

When: 2020-08-08 - 2020-08-16
Arrivals from 00:00 of the 08 August
Ends at 23:59 of the 16 August

This year the tidbits of the adult camps are also for children that turned already 16.


The current situation, as we know, does not allow us to do the camps in Agape. For that to imagine alternatives is a challenge that we are all facing with commitment but which also presents many difficulties. Despite this year’s obstacles, we want to bring Agape out of Agape, proposing not only activities but trying to recreate a sense of community and continuity for all the people who would have been part of the Agapina summer and who unfortunately will not be able to meet in person, smile, talk and blend together. We therefore decided to elaborate tidbits of what the camps would have been: different and various activities, some in front of the screen, others organized independently and shared after in dedicated moments. For participation, we ask you for a symbolic donation, around € 30 or what you can afford and which you would like Agape to have! Here is our IBAN: IT85T 07601 01000 0000 2037 8105.

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One crucial point in the struggle between the churches throughout history has been the understanding of the (Holy) Communion. What happens, when believers meet in a church, come together at an altar or a table, pray, eat bread and drink wine? Different churches argue whether a repetition of Jesus’ own sacrifice or a reminder of Christ’s salvation that’s taking place. That’s theology. But what does that mean for us?

Sharing food is an important part of our everyday life. It’s an act of peace and a symbol of coming together. In addition, food has become an embattled resource and despite all being Christans, we find ourselves in difficulties when it comes to sharing the Lord’s supper with our friends from different churches – even though, when we come together to share bread and wine despite the things that divide us, this can be a very touching experience.

So what do we believe in? What does the Communion mean for me? We want to offer you a tidbit of the theological camp 2021 about the holy comunion. We want to give you the opportunity to exchange your opinions and thoughts to different aspects of the holy comunion and to celebrate an international, -confessional, -cultural, -lingual service. 😉

To subscribe just send an email to ufficio@agapecentroecumenico.org attaching the file scheda iscrizione.. We have a maximum number of registrations for each field, we will give priority to those who had already enrolled or enrolled in the field or was on the waiting list.

Prenotazioni online non sono disponibili per questo campo.

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