International Political Camp - Diffused populisms Migrations, citizenship and the art of political manipulation
International Political Camp
When: 2018-08-04 - 2018-08-11
Arrivals from 17:30 of the 04 August
Ends at 09:00 of the 11 August
Migration is change and transformation and movement. Populist movements that have swept many countries around the world tend to express their discontent for the old order immobilising societies and people. In a talk given to the European School of Politics in Istanbul, on the 30 September 2017, Kenan Malik argues that “Immigration has played almost no part in fostering the changes that have left so many feeling disaffected. Immigrants are not responsible for the weakening of the labour movement, or the transformation of social democratic parties, or the imposition of austerity policies. Immigration has, however, come to be a means through which many perceive these changes.”. It is quite the opposite: migrants have mainly followed what has been taken from them and they are bearers of new possible models of citizenship.
Have parts of the rich societies throughout the globe found a new scape goat in recent migration flows? Has someone found in populism a renewed and stronger tool of political manipulation? If yes how can we act as citizens and act to foster the politics of dialogue and social transformation for a desirable society for all?
Le iscrizioni per questo campo non sono aperte.
Le iscrizioni aprono:
- 15 settembre: campi autunnali
- 15 ottobre: campi invernali
- 15 gennaio: campi primaverili
- 15 marzo: campi estivi