Workshop - Power for a just future. How to live together and organize in Europe.
When: 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-11
Arrivals from 17:00 of the 05 August
Ends at 10:00 of the 11 August
It is clear that we face a deep ecological crisis acommpaigned with social and economical problems . Why is it so difficult to change for sustainability an more justice? This question becomes even more acute if we look at the current situation on the European continent: There is war in Europe and in many countries, right-wing parties gain in power, nationalist ideologies become more popular, new forms of authoritarianism make discrimination of minorities more acute, while, at the same time, in many countries progressive political forces shrink in power. For the socio-ecological transformation, this is challenging. We risk facing an even stronger blocking of the necessary chance for a more sustainable living – economically, socially, politically and ecologically.
Despite this difficulty for change, we have to look for ways to overcome the dark visions of the future. How can we find new energy, gather forces, and use power in a just and sustainable way? It is important to understand how power looks like and reflect upon possibilities to organize power without leaving anyone behind.
In this context we need to look at economic, social and political inequalities and their causes, reflecting also on our privileges. It is urgent to figure out how to live together in Europe starting from our differences and Europe’s responsibilities to other places in the world. This includes implementing equality, socio-economical justice and minorities rights. We need to look for the values we want to strengthen in light of the socio-ecological transformation. We need to work for a Europe that is a shared place to create solutions to the challenges we face and not for a Europe that is a frontier against the rest of the world.
This week wants to be a space to experiment how to live together, sharing concrete experiences and hopes. We invite young adults (18-26) to create shared practices on how to learn to use power, and to fight together, which we will express in a common manifesto at the end of the week.
The meeting is organised by three members of Oikosnet Europe, Ecumenical Association of Academies and Laity Centres:
- Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin (Germany)
- Ekumenická akademie (Tchech Republic)
- Agape Centro Ecumenico (Italy)
Arrivals from 17:00 of the 5th August 2023
Ends at 10:00 of the 11th of August 2023
The workshop will take place at Agape Centro Ecumenico on a residential basis: activities, accommodation and meals will all be held in the centre. Agape Centro Ecumenico, Borgata Agape, 1, 10060 Prali, Italy, is located at 1600m altitude in the mountains near Turin. The ecumenical centre, run by the Waldensian Church in Italy, is a place of international encounter and civic education. In camps, young volunteers discuss and engage with socio-political questions throughout the year. At the same time, they participate in the day-to-day work at the center.
People from Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway and Switzerland can participate in this workshop. The participation of young adults aged between 18 and 28 will be privileged.
The workshop will be held in English.
Participation in the workshop is completely free of charge.
If you would like to participate and you are italian, please fill in the form below and send us a short email to: and with a few lines about yourself and your motivation to take part in the workshop. If you are not Italian but of one of the above nationalities, please send us a short e-mail asking who to refer to.
Deadline for registration is May 14, 2023.
Le iscrizioni per questo campo non sono aperte.
Le iscrizioni aprono:
- 15 settembre: campi autunnali
- 15 ottobre: campi invernali
- 15 gennaio: campi primaverili
- 15 marzo: campi estivi